Reinvent your role as a leader in this upskilling and reskilling time


To ensure continuous learning in the workplace, you must think and act as an effective leader. 
Enabling a learning culture in the workplace should become the new normal if you want your organization, along with its workforce, to stay ahead in the game. This new normal poses more demands than ever on the leaders to play a new role, i.e., learning facilitator-in-chief. 
The new-age business leaders must adapt to the emerging dynamics of mindsets and behaviors to meet their team's and the organization's needs. It often gets challenging to learn new things, especially when you have reached a certain age and professional growth. 
So, how can leaders or managers foster a workplace environment where employees' psychological safety is ensured?
Here is a look at the top tips on how to ensure a learning culture in the workplace using leadership and management training programs:
An effective leadership and management training program help leaders and their people:
  1. Look out for the future - When you consider upskilling and reskilling, you immediately jump to the idea of doing a course or joining a program that helps you upskill or reskill. Typically, for most employees, their ability to upskill comes from their jobs only. Hence, the key role for leaders is to be considerate while designing the job roles, how they are going to allow their people to transition across different positions, and also enable them to build their skills while forging a navigable path.

  2. Ensure a safe space to learn and grow - Most leaders know how to create a safe learning space at home for their children; hence doing the same for their people at work shouldn't be a challenge. Leaders need to be honest with all positivity when painting prospective opportunities for their people's future. The most effective leader will understand the fact that the world is changing really fast, and so their people shouldn't only be operating in cubicles, going over PowerPoint slides; but be assured that their failures are acceptable in an attempt to learn new things.

  3. Fostering a service-leadership approach - You should consider a whole new definition of leadership and its attributes in order to foster a service-leadership approach in the workplace. Your people need a humble leader for the reason you will often be asked to be the enablers of them and not in charge of them. This will require you to be a different person who knows how to act in service to others, enabling a group of workers to do things on their own. 
 Be a leader that your people look up to at all times. 


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